New Semester Checklist for Online Classes

New Semester Checklist for Online Classes

As a new semester approaches, you can help your students (especially new students) get off to a smooth start by doing the following: 

1. Prepare your course site in the LMS (Blackboard, Moodle, or other*) 

Students will have access to courses in the LMS starting the week before classes begin ("Preview Week,") so make sure that when the access the LMS* they can find basic course information, the syllabus, the first two weeks of content, and anything else that will help them feel settled and ready. 

*If you are not using Blackboard or Moodle as the primary tool for teaching this course, students may still end up looking for your class in the LMS. So be sure to include at least one page in the LMS with basic information about the class, your contact information, the syllabus, and a link to the other tool(s) you are using. 

1. Send an email to students welcoming them to the course

Within a week or two of the start of class, use your UMass email or the announcement feature of the LMS to send a short note to your students that includes your contact information, a link to the syllabus, a link to the LMS, and any other information they will need before the first day of classes.  

For a more detailed checklist of suggestions see the New Semester Course Checklist.

Julie Pallant
