Good Standing Policy

Good Standing Policy

Students who earn good standing in Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) are eligible to apply for:

  • CHC scholarships, fellowships, and grants
  • CHC Residential Community (CHCRC) housing during the first round of the housing selection process*

*CHCRC housing is not guaranteed. Honors students on CHC academic warning or CHC academic probation may become eligible to participate: a) only in the final round of the selection process and b) only if space is available. 


To be considered in good standing in Commonwealth Honors College, a student must

  • Be in good standing with UMass Amherst by complying with all its policies, including the Code of Student Conduct and the Academic Honesty Policy.
  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) at or above 3.400.
  • Complete the honors course requirements of a CHC graduation sub plan with earned grades of “B” or higher in all components.

Recommendations for remaining in good standing

  • Abide by the expectations outlined in CHC Terms of Agreement.
  • Make progress towards completion of honors coursework as specified in Curriculum Requirements by earning grades of “B” or higher in all honors courses intended to fulfill CHC curriculum requirements, including the root courses affiliated with one-credit add-on honors independent studies or colloquia. (Note: with the exception of HONORS 391A, one-credit freestanding honors courses do not fulfill honors curriculum requirements.)
  • Meet with a CHC Advisor during the first semester of membership, and at least once each year thereafter. 


An honors student will be placed on CHC academic warning if the cumulative GPA drops below 3.400.

If after one semester on CHC academic warning a student’s cumulative GPA reaches 3.400 or higher, the student will return to good standing. If their cumulative GPA remains below 3.400, the student will be placed on CHC academic probation.

Any student on CHC academic warning is strongly encouraged to meet with a CHC Advisor as soon as possible to discuss an action plan. 


After one semester of CHC academic warning, an honors student will be placed on CHC academic probation if the cumulative GPA remains below 3.400.

If, after one semester on CHC academic probation, a student’s cumulative GPA reaches 3.400 or higher, the student will return to good standing. If their cumulative GPA remains below 3.400, the student will be dismissed. [See CHC Dismissal below.]

Any student on CHC academic probation is strongly encouraged to meet with a CHC Advisor to discuss an action plan.


An honors student will be dismissed from CHC if any of the following is true:

  • The student was already on CHC academic probation and the next cumulative GPA falls below 3.400.
  • It is mathematically impossible for the student to regain a cumulative GPA of 3.400 by the anticipated graduation date.
  • The student will be unable to satisfy the honors course requirements of one of the four CHC graduation sub plans: Breadth of Study + Departmental Honors Depth of Study (GSDH), Breadth of Study + Multidisciplinary Honors Depth of Study (GSMH), Departmental Honors Depth of Study only (DH), or Multidisciplinary Honors Depth of Study only (MH). 


A former CHC student who regains a cumulative GPA of 3.400 may request reinstatement in CHC by email records [at] honors [dot] umass [dot] edu. Students are also strongly encouraged to meet with a CHC Advisor to discuss their academic planning to ensure they can complete the CHC curriculum in a timely manner upon reinstatement. 

Students who are completing Departmental Honors (DH) should also meet with the Honors Program Director of that department to ensure they are on track to complete the DH requirements.

