Goldwater Scholarship

Goldwater Scholarship

Campus Deadline: 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Who Should Apply?: 

Sophomores and juniors, U.S. citizen or permanent resident

What It's For: 

Undergraduate study in natural sciences, engineering, mathematics (STEM fields)

Fields of Study: 

STEM fields such as engineering


Natural science (student must be planning a research career)

Scholarship Website: 

Goldwater Scholarship

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by the U.S. Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate. The aim of the foundation is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scholars to work as scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Goldwater Scholarships support students with a passion for research and potential to contribute to their disciplines, and who plan to pursue a graduate degree. Up to 300 U.S. students will be selected each year for scholarships of up to $7,500/year.

Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible for nomination for a Goldwater Scholarship, a student must:

* The natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics fields and sub-fields used by the Goldwater Foundation to determine eligibility are those used by the National Science Foundation for its Graduate Research Fellowship Program. These include: chemistry, computer & information sciences and engineering, engineering, geosciences, life sciences, materials research, mathematical sciences, physics & astronomy, and psychology.

While research in medicine is not supported by the National Science Foundation, students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or veterinary medicine are eligible for a Goldwater Scholarship if research is a central part of the student’s career goals.

Candidate Profile:

Application Components:

Application Procedure

All applicants MUST be nominated by their college or university. As such, UMass Amherst applicants are reviewed by an internal committee and four nominees are sent forward to the Goldwater Foundation for consideration.

Detailed campus application information is provided directly to applicants once they meet with ONSA advisers

Amy Silbo
