
The Commonwealth Honors College Plenary Lecture is an annual event that features thought leaders from across the spectrum of faculty. 

The 2024 lecture will be presented by Timothy Eatman, Ph.D., the inaugural dean of the Honors Living-Learning Community at Rutgers University in Newark. Eatman’s research explores institutional policy and equity issues in higher education. He has held previous appointments as associate professor of higher education in the School of Education at Syracuse University, and as faculty co-director of Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life (IA). 

Eatman is co-author of Scholarship in Public: Knowledge Creation and Tenure Policy in the Engaged University, a seminal IA research report on faculty rewards and publicly engaged scholarship. He has also published in such venues as the Journal of Educational Finance, Readings on Equal Education, Diversity and Democracy, and The Huffington Post, and has written several other book chapters and reports. Eatman is co-editor of the Cambridge Handbook of Service Learning and Civic Engagement, released in 2017.

Accessible , In person , and On campus event posted in Academics