Contact details


Crotty Hall

411-417 N Pleasant St
Amherst, MA 01003
United States

Office 307


Professional Experience: 

  • Research economist, CRESME Ricerche, 2010-2014


  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (Econ 204)
  • Intermediate Microeconomics (Econ 203)
  • Macroeconomic Theory (Econ 705)

Professional Activities: 

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Surveys
  • Associate Editor, Review of Social Economy
  • Associate Editor, Review of Keynesian Economics


  • Co-Principal Investigator, "The role of autonomous demand in determining output and employment and in affecting income distribution in the medium to long run", Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2016/2017 (duration: 1 year; budget: 30,000 Euro; PI: Antonella Stirati, Roma 3 University).

Selected Publications: 

  • "Partisanship and Local Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Brazilian Cities" (with R. Gouvea), Journal of Development Economics, 2021
  • "Partisan shocks and financial markets: Evidence from close national elections", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2020
  • "Reverse hysteresis? Persistent effects of autonomous demand expansions", (with A.Stirati and W.Paternesi Meloni), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2020
  • "Autonomous demand and the investment share", (with R.Pariboni), Review of Keynesian Economics, 2020
  • "Normal utilization as the adjusting variable in Neo-Kaleckian growth models: A critique" (with R.Pariboni), Metroeconomica, 2019
  • "Institution shocks and economic outcomes: Allende's election, Pinochet's coup and the Santiago stock market" (with S.Bowles), Journal of Development Economics, 2018
  • "Long-run effective demand in the US economy" (with R.Pariboni), Review of Political Economy, 2016
  • "Financialization of food. Modelling the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and stock-market dynamics", International Review of Applied Economics, 2015
  • "Do financial investors affect the price of wheat?", PSL Quarterly Review, 2012

Personal Website