Employment Opportunities
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at UMass Amherst is proud to have a dedicated, passionate, and diverse community of faculty and staff. We are currently hiring for the positions listed in the link below and look forward to hearing from you! We currently have the following positions available within the College:
Fieldwork Postdoctoral Research Associate - Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges & Science (CBIKS)
CBIKS is an interdisciplinary center that utilizes community-based research to examine how to effectively and ethically braid Indigenous and Western science research, education, and practices related to the urgent and interconnected areas of climate change, care of cultural places, and food sovereignty. This position supports the CBIKS Fieldwork and Braiding Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) working group in identifying specific examples of braiding Indigenous and Western science across all CBIKS regional Hubs. The Research Associate is also responsible for gathering and analyzing data related to Fieldwork and Braiding TEK TWG research; contributing to draft publications; participating in the CBIKS Science Review Circle; collaborating in the development of online education and training modules; conducting a literature review of publications focused on braiding methodologies; and organizing meetings of the Fieldwork and TEK TWG. This is a one-year position with some fieldwork required, with the potential for an additional year extension. Qualified candidates will have a PhD with a social science focus required by the time of hire and cannot have been academically active for more than four years post-PhD. An understanding of Indigenous communities is highly preferred.
See the full job description & apply >
Relationality & Ethics Postdoctoral Research Associate - Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges & Science (CBIKS)
CBIKS is an interdisciplinary center that utilizes community-based research to examine how to effectively and ethically braid Indigenous and Western science research, education, and practices related to the urgent and interconnected areas of climate change, care of cultural places, and food sovereignty. As a postdoctoral research associate, you will support the development and documentation of ethics protocols and practices for the CBIKS community, assist and collaborate with our Thematic Working Groups (TWGs), gather and analyze data related to TWG research, collaborate with TWGs on the development of online learning modules, and organize meetings of the Ethics and Relationality TWGs. Qualified candidates will have a PhD with a social science focus required by the time of hire and cannot have been academically active for more than four years post-PhD. An understanding of Indigenous communities is highly preferred.
See the full job description & apply >
Finance & Budget Manager - Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges & Science (CBIKS)
Hybrid opportunity The Finance and Budget Manager plans and manages the budget and pre- and post-grant financial functions for the Center and its externally funded programs. This role is responsible for accounting, policy compliance, reporting, cash flow analysis, budget development, and budget forecasting for day-to-day operations and for existing sponsored research programs and proposal development. These activities require independent decision-making and continuous collaboration with research and administrative offices. Qualified candidates should have a bachelor's in accounting or a related field with five years of relevant experience, or a master's degree with three years of relevant experience.
See the full job description & apply >
Director of Administration & Finance - Department of Political Science
The Director of Administration and Finance serves in a senior leadership role, partnering with the Chair in the overall administrative and operational management of the Department. Responsibilities include: providing leadership and supervision of all administrative and financial functions; management of administrative staff, including proactively addressing issues related to the support of a positive work environment; providing confidential, executive-level support to the Chair, including counseling on the current and projected financial status of the department; managing the tenure and non-tenure track hiring process; developing effective online tracking and documentation systems to provide reports for Department planning; and planning and facilitating space usage for the department. Qualified candidates will have a bachelor's with five years of managerial experience, or a master's with three years of experience.
See the full job description & apply >
Assistant Professor, Legal Studies - Department of Political Science & Commonwealth Honors College
The Department of Political Science and the Commonwealth Honors College seeks an Assistant Professor of Legal Studies. This tenure-track position is set to commence Fall 2025. The Department and College welcome applicants from a variety of methodological, disciplinary, and theoretical backgrounds with a substantive focus on law, crime and society, punishment and/or the carceral state, in the United States or the U.S. in comparative perspective. The teaching load is 2/2 and consists of two legal studies courses and two honors courses per year, particularly the Honors Thesis Seminar or courses satisfying general education requirements. Qualified applicants must have a PhD in political science, sociology, anthropology, criminology, or other related field by the appointment start date.
See the full job description & apply >
Office Manager (Clerk V) - Department of Social Thought & Political Economy
The Department of Social Thought and Political Economy is in search of an office manager who will serve as a program coordinator, business and personnel manager, scheduling officer, and events coordinator. Responsibilities include developing and implementing administrative procedures, overseeing program space allocation and reporting, working with the Director on special projects and resource allocation, analyzing program resources and budgets, serving as the Department's course scheduling representative, and supporting events. Qualified candidates should have five years of full-time or equivalent part-time experience in administrative work.
See the full job description & apply >
For a list of all open positions within the University, please visit the UMass Human Resources webpage.